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Re^2: A simple mistake (was Re: Should we ship KDE in hamm?)

Am 24.07.98 schrieb olly # lfix.co.uk ...

Moin "Oliver!

"OE> Here are some consequences of treating shared libraries as incorporated
"OE> in a work:

The library itself is not the problem! The header files are the problem.

"OE> Qt is always supplied with Caldera, so it is probably OK to link
"OE> someone's GPL program with Qt on Caldera, and to transfer it to someone
"OE> running Debian or Red Hat.  However, Debian and Red Hat could not
"OE> distribute it in turn.

I think that this conclusion is wrong. The questions is if Qt is a  
standard library on most Linux systems. And I don#t see a problem for us,  
because Debian includes Qt in non-free.

cu, Marco

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