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Debian and RedHat

Some time ago (or was it just hours?) someone proposed the silly
idea of having Debian as the large (experimental) distribution and
RedHat as a smaller stabler pool... what a silly idea...
After some thoughts the idea isn't so much silly anymore. We have
technical merits, a very large pool of testers, bug-tracking system,
dpkg *is* better that rpm after all... RH will surely gain something
from that, or not?

Mike the lurker, what do you think about?

* Federico DI Gregorio ** GCS/S/>L d- s:>:+ a26 C++ UL++ P+++ L*+++>$ D *
*   <fog@debian.org>   ** W+>++ N+ o? !K w--->!$ O M- V-- PS+(+++) PE(--) 
*   Debian Developer   ** Y+(-)(+)(-)... PGP+ s+ 5- X+++ R*<+(+++) b+++ *
*                      ** DI++ D---- G- e+++>++++ h--- r++ z++          *

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