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Re: RH and GNOME

Kysh Dragon on Mon, Jul 20, 1998 at 11:39:56PM -0500:
> > Can I easily uninstall or upgrade?
> Yep. for i in `locate programname`; do rm $i ; done. As long as the
> program isn't named something like 'lib'. That would be bad. As far as
> upgrading, make install works quite well.. Like a package, a program's
> source can be sloppily put together or well put together.

That's ridiculous, it would waste your system.  I do this routinely
though and just use a "find / -mmin -5 &>thisfile" and then remove stuff
like /proc entries from the file, then using the $(< thisfile) construct
to rm.  Works great.  It's not part of the archive though (which is all
tar.gz files are -- compressed archives); archives are just convenient
ways to delimit a bunch of files, they really aren't packages per se
(ie, contain additional information).


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