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Bug#24813: Processed: Re: Bug#24813: #! "args" improperly parsed

Manoj Srivastava wrote:

> 	What does this have to do with kernel-package? All that
>  kernel-package does is package a kernel; what the kernel does with
>  exec statements depends on either the kernel or libc.

In that case the bug should be assigned to either package.  General is
bad for tracking bugs as no package and therefore no maintainer(s) is
responsible for it.

If it is a bug in the kernel, the maintainer of the kernel-package
has a chance to fix it and/or send information upstream.  If it is
a bug in the libc package the same applies.

I have to admit that I'm not 100% sure the kernel package would
be the appropriate package.

Please re-assign it appropriate.



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