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Re: GNUnification

I took a look at some page listed here, and basically is appears to me
that the main difference is the way the kernel is setup.(Though I'm
certain there may very well be others)  So in this case, responing
to those in paranoia, Linux has aboslutly nothing to fear.... I'm not
considerned about the FS that is very minor and the HURD people can do
what ever they want with it.  But something a little different is kernel
premise which is quite different.  If this kernel works better I can see
two possibilties in the Linux community:
   1.  Linux 4.0 or 5.0 becomes a mach kernal
   2.  The same version are put off a while to somehow find a 
       combination of the two or a better completely new type of mach
       that is inheritly faster, more compact, all while evolving from
       a more mature base.
   Also this wouldn't be hard to implement, I'd actually do something   
like this:
        Identify and self-contained the core kernel
	Make mosts features a module except for core kernel
        Develop an interface to the core kernel for the modules
        Turn the modules into special shared kernal object .sko?
               self contained error handlers, start, stop.
	Add backup support to the source .sko.bak
        Give the core kernal complete control over the sko's
    So backically we have modules like we do now but they are seperated
    further from the core kernel.  And with:
         complete core kernal control
         the self contained error handlers
         .sko.bak's (or would .sko.stable be better?) 
    if an error occurs the core kernal will automatically be able to:
        kill the bad driver
	restart if available the stable driver
If fact if I ever finsihed any other my other half-finished projects
I'd probably just be able to do an interface module to the existing
kernal source, and port stuff like serial and ppp over to test it out.
BTW: this would make adding video support and card support switching
easier, and safe!  A VGA driver for the shell, and then swap drivers
when you go to X, and all that would be needed is a LINUX-VIDEO X server
for X, or a game. Now to be able to swap video card safely while the
computer is running.... >o]!
I'd say in the long run linux will never go away, and if HURD stays
around it will be because of the general feel of the OS in it's contrast
with a more traditional POSIX operating system.  

Philip Thiem

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