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Re: On java programs & main/contrib

Javier Fdz-Sanguino Pen~a <jfs@ieeesb.etsit.upm.es> writes:

> 	I am currently maintainer of vrwave, a Java VRML browser,
> there was filed a bug recently against it since it depends on jdk
> (1.0.2 or 1.1, as a matter of fact). The point is, this is a Java
> program, and MUST depend on ANY java-compatible compiler, JDK is not
> the only alternative, there exist other alternatives (guavac, for
> example).
> 	There doesn't exist a virtual-package for a java compiler, and
> if it existed it would be better if included version information
> (instead of having different virtual packages for java 1.0.2
> ... 1.1, etc..) but that is another story....
> 	Anyhow, my question is if ALL java-based programs should be on
> "contrib" since, up to now most work with jdk but not for others. I
> consider they shouldn't... but according to Debian Policy they
> should.... Ideas?

All Java programs have to go into contrib because there currently
isn't a 100% free implementation of Java available (all the currently
available implementations require Sun's class files).

The Kaffe guys are working on replacement class files, but they
haven't released them (and they might not be available for free, but
I'm not sure).  There was the "kore" project for building replacement
class files - most of the class files for jdk 1.0.2 were implemented,
but development seems to have stopped.  I'm not sure what the Japhar
folks are planning, but they currently require Sun's classes as well.

If a 100% free java runtime comes available, then all the Java stuff
in contrib that works with it could be moved to main.  Similarily, if
a "Free Qt" came available, a lot of the KDE stuff in contrib that
worked with it could be moved to main.


 - Jim

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