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Debian NetWinder Updates

This is old news for anybody who is subscribed to the other lists on
netwinder.org, and follows Slashdot/FreshMeat, but I'll summarize here
just in case some of you haven't signed up for everything.

1) Corel Computer has posted prices on their site for the NetWinder DM
   and is taking orders now.  They will be available (shipping?) on
   June 30th.

2) The Globe and Mail newspaper (Canada) reported that Corel Computer
   was being shut down.  That's not entirely accurate - they are just
   being reorganized and recombined into the parent Corel corporation.
   This doesn't impact the NetWinder much, if any.

3) On the netwinder-general mailing list (to which you should all be
   subscribed), Pat Beirne has announce that the new GNU/ELF tools are
   available.  Because of an attempt to have a single ARM binary standard
   for ELF, binary compatibility has been broken, and everything needs
   to be recompiled.  This doesn't impact us much, because we've hardly
   done anything yet.

4) There is going to be an IRC chat session in a little over an hour and
   a half from now:

     Corel Computer Corp. invites all interested parties to
     participate in a live IRC chat Friday, June 26, 4-5 PM
     EST. Please join senior members of Corel Computer's development
     team to discuss topics such as the status of the company, its
     Linux development schedule, and everything you ever wanted to
     know about the NetWinder and were afraid to ask.

     In the words of Mark Twain, "Recent reports of the demise of
     Corel Computer, the NetWinder and Linux development were greatly
     exaggerated."  The company is alive and well. Please read the
     FACTS about Corel's recent announcement to consolidate the
     operations of Corel Computer (www.corelcomputer.com), and please
     join us on Friday.

     Here are the details of the event:

     Friday, June 26, 1998
     4:00 - 5:00 Eastern Standard Time
     The IRC server is called irc.corel.com
     The conference channel will is #corelcomputer
     Users will need an IRC client to use this service
     Linux Users may find a client @
     Users of other OS may find a client at http://idirect.tucows.com/

     Thank you.

     Oliver Bendzsa
     Corel Computer Corp.

5) I've put a new "News" section on the website at:


   Including this "Mini-status report": 

     We have a dedicated machine now, thanks to Alan DeKok and
     Corel. Raul Miller has gotten much of the base system to build
     and has gotten dpkg to work. Not much has happened in the last
     week as we were waiting for Pat's new GNU/ELF stuff.

That's all I can think of for now.  I'm pretty busy at the moment, and
can't personally do too much work on the project right now.  But that
will definitely change when I get my own NetWinder (I've signed up to
order one).  :-)


 - Jim

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