Re: Upgrade report from "bo" to "hamm" :-(
On Tue, Jun 23, 1998 at 08:09:51PM +0200, Paul Seelig wrote:
> Actually the true killer was the upgrade of the teTeX packages. It is
> pretty hard to stand seeing three time in a row "Running initex [...]
> This will take some time" on a 486DX-2/66 at the configuration stage.
> This alone consumed almost half an hour IIRC.
> Would "apt" have made a difference with this? Like installing and
> configuring all teTeX packages in a row and running "initex"
> afterwards just once? Or is this simply impossible?
Which reminds me - the same method that we come up with to fix this, if
it can be fixed, might be usable for iamerican/ibritish. What we need
is something along the line of what update-menus does but interactive.
Perhaps DPKG:TNG wil include some way of registering a script to run at
the end of the configuration? Any interactive but non-vital
configurations could then happen at the very end, easing one point. It
would probably allow one running of inittex and one selection of ispell
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