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Re: Volunteer(s) wanted to help with owner@bugs.debian.org

"Yann" == Yann Dirson <ydirson@mygale.org> writes:

Yann> What about another one: building a deb of it ?  I would be of
Yann> interest to people basing a new dist on Debian - it would also
Yann> make it easy for people willing to study it and submit small
Yann> patches (eg. the "Fixed" severity)

I've had it packaged since the first week of January, actually -- just
never uploaded it because its too flaky even when using its own copy
of perl4 (included with the package, stolen from Ian's home dir).  It
seems that two files, process and errorlib, need to be rewritten to
work with modern perls.

Unfortunately I've never found time to do this.

But 99% of the time debbugs works as intended, and it was easily
twisted to my own purposes:


>From what I've seen, RedHat needs something like debbugs bad.  :-)

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