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Intent to package (several)

As my application to become a Debian developer is underway, let me state
my intentions of packaging.  You will find below short descriptions of
the following packages: bibindex (take over), ibrazilian, recdescent,
tipa (these four packages are done, ready for uploading), as well as
plplot and iportuguese (these two not yet done).

Tell me if there are any objections/problems.


Rafael Laboissiere
Institut de la Communication Parlee | Email: rafael@icp.inpg.fr
UPRESS A CNRS 5009 / INPG           | Voice: +33
46, av. Felix Viallet               |   Fax: +33
F-38031 Grenoble CEDEX 1 France     |   URL: http://www.icp.inpg.fr/~rafael

bibindex (http://www.cs.duke.edu/~jeffe/biblook.html):

I am taking over this orphaned package (by the QA group).  It is
essentially a upstream upgrade + some clean up of the copyright file.

ibrazilian (http://www.ime.usp.br/~ueda/br.ispell/):

Brazilian Portuguese dictionary for ispell.  It will comply with Emacs
Policy and address the issue raised by Marcelo Magallon in bug report


recdescent (on CPAN: modules/by-module/Parse/Parse-RecDescent.tar.gz):

Perl module Parse::RecDescent for incrementally generating top-down
recursive-descent text parsers from simple yacc-like grammar


tipa (ftp://tooyoo.L.u-tokyo.ac.jp/pub/TeX/tipa):

A system for processing IPA (International Phonetic Alphabet) symbols in

It's copyrighted by the author and there is no copying restrictions
statement in the distribution.  I am in contact with the author to fix
this problem.

iportuguese (http://www.di.uminho.pt/~jj/pln/UMportugues.tgz)

Portuguese (from Portugal) dictionary for ispell.  

It is not DFSG-compliant, as it has a statement: "Permission for
non-profit use is hereby granted." in the README file.  I will try to
negotiate that with the author.

plplot (http://emma.la.asu.edu/plplot/):

PLplot is a library of functions that are useful for making scientific
plots. PLplot can be called from C, C++, FORTRAN, Python and Tcl.

In the home page it is stated that "PLplot is in the public domain, so
you can distribute it freely.", but actually the source distribution is

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