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Re: pgcc and debian. (+linuxconf)

At 04:45 PM 5/20/98 +0200, jdassen@wi.leidenuniv.nl wrote:
>On Wed, May 20, 1998 at 03:25:14PM +0300, Shaya Potter wrote:
>> I was the maintainer of pgcc, however, I orphaned along with the rest of my
>> packages when I left for .il for the year.  I will be back in the states on
>> June 10, and will be back at work at NRL on the 15th, so I will be able to
>> take it up then, unless anyone else wants it.
>On Wed, May 20, 1998 at 08:29:19AM -0400, Kenneth.Scharf@coulter.com wrote:
>> Second... Look at the PGCC web site.  They have built on top of egcc. 
>Shaya, this leads me to believe there is no significant advantage to having
>a separate pgcc package over having egcs compiler packages. We already have
>egcs-release based packages, and plans are being made for egcs-snapshot
>packages in experimental.
>Perhaps you can investigate the relationship between pgcc and egcs before
>embarking on a new pgcc package? I suspect/hope that the pgcc changes are
>contributed back to the egcs CVS archive (and thus, the egcs snapshots) on a
>regular basis.

Yes I know, that is why I asked for it to be removed from hamm (besides the
fact that it was totally out of date, since it was the last snapshot from
the summer).  I was just offering to do it if people wanted it, it's not to
hard on me, and with all those pentium-2's floating around the lab, I have
cycles to burn. :)  Also, I believe, that pgcc will still be more advance
than egcs in some respects, i.e. that is where the experimentation will be
done, so it might not be a great compiler to have in the main dist, but
would be just as good as egcs snapshots, i.e. the work is done on pgcc, and
then integrated with egcs.


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