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Re: where can i get debhelper and lintian

On Thu, Apr 16, 1998 at 09:35:44AM +0200, Julien Ortega wrote:
> A man told me about these package but i dont know where i can find them.
> Are they far better than the debmake ?

debhelper is a replacement for debmake. Unlike debmake, debhelper
is composed of many different scripts; debmake is just one big program.
So you can use whichever parts of debhelper you want and not use
the other parts. Also, debmake has a history of not being fully
policy-compliant, although it has a new author now (Santiago)
who has rectified this problem I believe.

lintian is not a debmake replacement, but rather a package checker.
It looks for things in your package that violate or may violate
the Debian policy. You should get into the habit of running
lintian before uploading, because it's going to be run on uploaded
packages on master soon I understand.

Hamish Moffatt, hamish@debian.org, hamish@rising.com.au, hmoffatt@mail.com
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