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jgoerzen@complete.org (John Goerzen)  wrote on 10.04.98 in <[🔎] 87d8eqqli9.fsf@garfield.complete.org>:

> Therefore, I believe it would be prudent, as a temporary workaround
> for the kernel bug, to umount all local drives before umounting
> network drives.  It is generally not a big deal if a network drive
> doesn't get umounted anyway.

The reason local file systems can't be unmounted when NFS unmount hangs,  
is that the NFS fs is still mounted, keeping the local fs busy.

What makes you think it is possible to unmount the local fs before even  
trying to unmount the NFS fs?

*However*, a little experimenting shows that the kernel is perfectly  
willing to let you "mount /some/where -o remount,ro" even if there are  
files open on that fs. I'm not quite certain if those open files are  
guaranteed to be handled correctly, but this, possibly combined with sync,  
should be enough to get a clean shutdown.

This looks like a wishlist bug for sysvinit (which has /etc/init.d/umountfs).

MfG Kai

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