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Re: Intent to package TYA (JIT compiler for JDK)

>>>>> "Ruud" == Ruud de Rooij <r.c.m.derooij@twi.tudelft.nl> writes:
    Ruud> I am not yet a debian maintainer, but I would like to become
    Ruud> one.  As my first package, I would like to package TYA.  I
    Ruud> am also talking with Philip Hands about possibly taking over
    Ruud> his mh/nmh packages.

Cool! Saves me packaging it myself :)  Actually I probably couldn't
package it anyway (I'm a JDK source licencee).

    Ruud> The current JDK in the Debian distribution is a libc5-based
    Ruud> one, although a glibc-based JDK has been released, but this
    Ruud> has not made it into Debian, yet.  I believe Stephan Zander
    Ruud> is working on that (right?)

JDK *will* be glibc!  Right now there are some problems related to
Motif (& as I don't have a copy I'm having a hard time helping Chris
track it down).  As soon as I find some more tuits I'm also going back
to porting JDK to native threads.

    Ruud> So I suppose I should build both a libc5 version for the
    Ruud> current jdk package, and a libc6 version for the new those
    Ruud> people who have installed the new jdk themselves, and in
    Ruud> anticipation of a debian package of it.

If you do this now, it will have to go into Debian 2.1 (slink), so
there's no point in doing a libc5 version.

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