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Request for policy advice on X server manpages

Lintian complains (rightfully so) that the xserver-* packages provide
binaries without manpages.

However, most of the servers are accelerated, and their manpages are .so
links to the page XF86_Accel.  All of the xserver manpages are currently
provided in base, which is an imperfect solution because the xserver
packages don't need xbase (and claim no dependency, recommendation, or
suggestions for it).

I can't think of a good solution to this.

1) Changing the .so's to symlinks wouldn't get us anywhere, no matter where
we put things.

2) Whether .so's or symlinks, moving the individual manpages for the
xservers into the appropriate package (but leaving XF86_Accel.man where it
is in xbase), would be bad because if xbase is not installed these pages
will point to nothing.

3) Putting a copy of XF86_Accel in every accelerated X server package would
be bad (potential overwrite problem).

4) Changing the X server pages to contain the verbatim contents of
XF86_Accel.man strikes me as wasteful.

5) I don't think just declaring a lintian override is the best idea either.

Does anyone have an elegant suggestion for this?

G. Branden Robinson                 |  There's nothing an agnostic can't do
Purdue University                   |  if he doesn't know whether he believes
branden@purdue.edu                  |  in it or not.
http://www.ecn.purdue.edu/~branden/ |  -- Graham Chapman

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