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Re: Initial draft proposed consitutution (v0.1)

Remco writes:
> Expulsion is a very, very serious matter and it should be
> handled with great care, IMHO.

Precisely my point.

> IIRC, a new developer can currently just apply for the job, identify
> himself to another developer and almost automatically become a developer.

I'm talking about Ian's proposed constitution, not the present arrangement.

> Why would a new developer have to be nominated by someone?

Ian's constitution give sole authority to admit new developers to the
Delegate.  My proposal opens things up a bit.

> Why does it have to be so difficult to become a developer?

What's difficult about it?  The "Delegate" here would be the new-maintainer
people.  They vet the applicant, approve him, put him on the developer
list so he can get to work, post a notice on the mailing list, and ten days
later, assuming nobody raises an objection, he becomes a voting member.

> What's wrong with the current system?

Mostly that there is no system.

> I think you'll need more than just a majority to expell a developer.

Note that I wrote a majority of *developers*.  It will likely be hard to
get a majority pf developers to even vote on an issue, let alone agree.
John Hasler
john@dhh.gt.org (John Hasler)
Dancing Horse Hill
Elmwood, WI

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