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fear and panick in hamm freeze -- calm down

[You (Michael Meskes)]
>James Troup writes:
>> these programs aren't _usually_ executed as root; however they do
>> allow nasty user -> victim user attacks (of course victim user _could_
>> be root).  This apparently lessens the severity of them.  So a) any
>> objections to me filing bug reports on these packages to get them
>> fixed? and b) any suggestions as to the severity (Brian suggested
>> `important', Giuliano `grave')?
>Only the ones where a normal user can do harm to the system should be
>grave. The others should be important IMO. But wait, that means the packages
>will be removed, so better make them normal. :-)

Why is everyone so obsessed with demoting important/grave level bugs 
instead of fixing the problem?  So some buggy pacakges have dropped off 
the face of hamm, so what?  Sure we need these packages back; well stop 
panicking and start emailing some maintainers, offering help!

I think these bugs are severity 'important'.

.....A. P. Harris...apharris@onShore.com...<URL:http://www.onShore.com/>

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