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Re: emacsen-common: install/package and add-on

>>>>> "Ben" == Ben Pfaff <pfaffben@pilot.msu.edu> writes:

Ben> ... (require 'bbdb/load-path)

If the rationale for the bbdb/load-path symbol just is to get it to
load from the right directory, a cleaner solution might be to say:

	(require 'bbdb "load-path")

since `require' accepts an extra argument specifying what to load:

    require: a built-in function.

    If feature FEATURE is not loaded, load it from FILENAME.
    If FEATURE is not a member of the list `features', then the feature
    is not loaded; so load the file FILENAME.
    If FILENAME is omitted, the printname of FEATURE is used as the file name.

    (require FEATURE &optional FILE-NAME)

Christian Lynbech          | Telebit Communications A/S                       
                           | Fabrikvej 11, DK-8260 Viby J                 
Phone: +45 8628 8176       | email: chl@tbit.dk --- URL: http://www.tbit.dk
Hit the philistines three times over the head with the Elisp reference manual.
                                        - petonic@hal.com (Michael A. Petonic)

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