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Re: hamm freeze - netscape

On Sun, Mar 08, 1998 at 10:35:23AM -0800, David Welton wrote:

> > might it be good to push it off for another 2 weeks, so we can sneak in
> > netscape into main?  if that will be possible that is. 

Netscape isn't going into main, as it's a binary only program linked with
very non-free components. We could get something compiled from the netscape
source, but it wouldn't be netscape, or at least that's how I understand the

> I was under the impression that it still depends on quite a few things
> like motif, so at most we could put it in contrib...

Unless it worked with lesstif, of course.

> I'm not sure it's worth waiting for.

I'm sure it's not worth waiting for.

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