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Re: Perl CPAN<->dpkg connectivity?


	Automatically mirroring CPAN and packaging this can be
 facilitated with a litttle human help (providing a Control file) and
 a simple script using make-ppkg.

	I have come up with a  Debian specific packaging
 infrastructure that is almost mechanical -- except that there are a
 few things that need be specified by hand

        Specifically, the Debian control file information; which has
 things like which section (devel/libs/net/x11 etc), whether it is
 meant for the stable or the development Debian tree, whether it is
 part of the main distribution, or it is contrib or non-free,
 description, dependencies on other debian packages, debian-revision,
 and a package name that meets debian Policy.

        What I'm trying to say is that a Debian package requires
 information that is Debian specific, and it seems unfair to ask
 authors to include it in the package (even if they were conversant
 with Debian policy).

        I'll try and make it as painless for the user as possible, 

 # generate the control file
 % make-ppkg --generate --package libcgi-perl --module CGI-modules > control
 % vi control        # make sure things look ok (espescially version numbers)
 % make-ppkg -d my-packaging-directory control 
 % dpkg -I my-packaging-directory/libcgi-perl*.deb    # check
 % dpkg -c my-packaging-directory/libcgi-perl*.deb    # check
 % lintian -v my-packaging-directory/libcgi-perl*.deb # check
 % dpkg -BGiE my-packaging-directory/libcgi-perl*.deb # install

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Manoj Srivastava  <srivasta@acm.org> <http://www.datasync.com/%7Esrivasta/>
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