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debhelper dh_make utility

G'day All,
  I have taken the debhelper example files, merged then with deb-make and
come up with some interesting combination.

Essentially, this program allows you to take a clean source package and
debianise it, just like deb-make.  However it uses the debhelper utilties
not debstd.

The program is called dh_make, so it fits with all the other dh_ utilities
of deb helper.  I'd like to keep this program sepearate originally until 
it earns its stripes.

I'm proposing to package dh_make and some other small bits and pieces into
a package called dh-make.  It will be a native debian package.

As I suspect it will be eventually put into debhelper, I suggest that the
lib files go into /usr/lib/debhelper/dh_make.

I'm going to put dh_make into experimental dists first, until it gets a 
good workout.  It will depend on debhelper.

Any comments are welcome.  Especially any about making sure dh-make fits
standards correctly.

  - Craig

Craig Small VK2XLZ, PGP: AD 8D D8 63 6E BF C3 C7  47 41 B1 A2 1F 46 EC 90
|@work: csmall@scooter.o.i.net,            @play: vk2xlz@vk2xlz.ampr.org|
|@home: csmall@small.dropbear.id.au,           @debian:csmall@debian.org|
Finger csmall@triode.net.au for PGP key, http://www.triode.net.au/~csmall

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