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Possible new name for "deity"

Behan Webster <behanw@verisim.com> writes:

> 1) the name needs to be a good length (4-8 chars, 2 or 3 is too short)
> 2) not specific to a particular distribution or type of package
> 3) intuitive and memorable
> 1) not necessarily say that it only installs packages

A *librarian* manages a large collection of information, and helps
users find what they need.  The package manager will do the same
thing.  Unfortunately, "librarian" is too long (although I suppose we
might use "library" in some other language).  It also does not have
much style.  However, it leads me to a better idea...

I propose: "conan", after the animated cartoon "Conan the Librarian",
circa 1988, probably on the TV show "Reading Rainbow" [1].  It has a
good length, is not Debian-centric or installation-centric, is easy to
remember, and has some style (IMHO).

[Note: We would need a better explanation, preferably written by someone
who has seen the cartoon more recently than I.]

                                 - Jim Van Zandt

[1] Synopsis: A small boy asks for a library card, the librarian
(Conan) challenges him with a question something like "You seek the
*card of library*?", shows him a few of the wonders it can unlock, and
finally presents him with his new card.  (I found a few references on
the Web, but no really good ones.)

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