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Master's load

This is sick:

     |      |                   `-sh
     |      |-cron-+-qmail-inject
     |      |      `-updatemail---sh---buildindex---glimpseindex
     |      |-cron---smail.real
     |      |-cron-+-cron.daily---scandebfiles---mkpackages---dpkg-scanpackag+
     |      |      `-qmail-inject
     |      `-cron---sh---daily---update---mkbroch
     |                  |-qmail-clean
     |                  |-qmail-lspawn
     |                  `-qmail-rspawn-+-61*[qmail-remote]
     |                                 `-2*[qmail-rspawn]      
     |       |-2*[cvs]
     |       |-identd---6*[identd]
     |       `-2*[wu-ftpd]
[QMail is not limited to only 90 outgoing connections]
Hopefully Mark will reboot the machine soon, I have a brand new .32 kernel
waiting to be installed that enables DMA, Tagged command queueing and the
new ISS stuff which I hope will help the load, but I think there is
nothing that can be done with so many cron jobs are running at once.

Whoever these belong to, serialize them at the soonest possible
convienence please.

I would also like to talk with the gnome, gtk and gimp people about moving
them to our cvs server on va, that is alot of cvs processes. Does anyone
know the email of the contact address for this?


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