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Yet Another Virtual Package Request

I just noticed that the virtual package list is missing an entry for FTP
daemons.  It makes sense only to have one FTP daemon installed on a box,
and the distribution already has three distinct packages (wu-ftpd,
wu-ftpd-academ, proftpd) and I'm working with the upstream developer of
WarFTP to package that daemon.

I'd like to propose ftp-server as the name for packages which provide an
FTP daemon.

Comments or suggestions are welcome.

Brian Bassett

| Brian Bassett       | brian@butterfly.ml.org      |
| EECS at WSU         | http://www.wsu.edu/~brianb  |
| #define SIX 1+5                                   |
| #define NINE 8+1                                  |
| main() { printf("SIX * NINE = %d", SIX * NINE); } |

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