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Re: Kernel compilation


	There are two configure targets here (which is causing your
 confusion. make-kppg ceates a ./debian directory, and installs a
 rules file there (and takes it away when you say make-kpkg clean).

	There is a configure target in the rules file, which does a
 lot of things. If there are kernel patches available, and you have
 asked the patches to be applied, then the patches are applied, the
 rest of ./debian directory is fleshed out (modulo checks if this is
 an ``official'' kernel), and finally, it runs make oldconfig, make
 dep, and make clean, (doing this ensures any patches applied would
 work). Finally, it creates a file called stamp-configure.

	It maybe nice to stop at this point, and look things over,
 especially if you were a patch writer. The file stamp-configure
 ensures that any changes made shall not be stomped over, if you just
 want a one time hack.

>>"Paul" == Paul Slootman <paul@wau.mis.ah.nl> writes:

Paul> On Tue 17 Feb 1998, Manoj Srivastava wrote:
MS> explain me (or point me to the explanation of) how to hook my own
MS> kernel module package to make-kpkg?
>>  From the make-kpkg man page: (talking about legal targets)

Paul> A question about the following part of the man page:

Paul> configure This target runs configure (actually, oldconfig)
Paul> early, so you may edit files generated by make con­ fig in the
Paul> kernel source directory and not have them stomped by make-kpkg
Paul> later.

Paul> What is meant by "runs configure early"? Does it pause after
Paul> running configure, so that I can edit those files? From the
Paul> README I gathered I had to:

Paul> 2% make config # or make menuconfig or make xconfig and
Paul> configure

Paul> and then run make-kpkg. So what's to be gained with the
Paul> "configure" target?

 "The whole problem with the world is that fools and fanatics are
 always so certain of themselves, but wiser people so full of doubts."
 Bertrand Russell
Manoj Srivastava  <srivasta@acm.org> <http://www.datasync.com/%7Esrivasta/>
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