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Non-mail idea (was Re: idea for a new debian mailserver?)

On Tue, 17 Feb 1998, Robert D. Hilliard wrote:

>      I think this would be an abysmally bad idea.

Sorry, but ditto. I'd prefer not to have xemacs and friends mailed to me:) 
What would this do to a server if 100 requests came for xemacs to be fired
off in the mail?

So as not to be completely negative, it seems to be that with a little
creative script writing, a mirror script could be set up to run at night
which compares the current packages on your system to the ones available
in the archive. It could then download the required packages so that they
are waiting to install the next morning. Some extra configuration could go
into this such as having it mail a list of newly avaiable packages to
yourself, a limit on the number of kb or mb to download, packages names to
exclude, choice to include new packages as well as upgrades. That would
seem handy to people with slow links. 


Colin Telmer, Kingston, Ontario, Canada

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