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alt-tab in emacs???

Has anyone got an elisp snippet that would enable alt-tab to work in emacs
the way it works in windows?  How about control-tab?

Now, when I say alt-tab behavior, I would also like holding down the alt
key long enough to make the buffer list window pop up, and tab to
highlight the entry that would be entered by releasing the alt key, and
move the entry.

Can this be easily done?  I betcha if this snippet were made public, it
could really enhance emacs popularity.  My fingers sure would thank you.
I'd much rather type "alt-tab" than "control-x control-b foo<tab><enter>"

If this trick is just too easy for words, could a kind and helpful someone
just point me at the relevant functions to hook onto and variables to

Sorry if this is the wrong list.  Usenet is useless, and Im not sure where
else is appropriate.


PS:  If this is easier done with a hack to emacs itself, that also would
be valuable information.

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