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Re: Bug#17922: pkg-order: the mother of all wishlists

Manoj Srivastava <srivasta@datasync.com> wrote:
> 	You see, pkg-order is a proof of concept script. It is more a
>  demonstration of various aspects of the underlying library; rather
>  than a decent implementation of a useful tool.

Another way to implement package ordering (which is needed for
the bo -> hamm upgrade) would be to "enhance" dpkg with something
like a a --queue command.

One way to do this, replace dpkg with a shell script (or whatever) which
calls dpkg.real. Look for --queue as the first argument and maintain a
queue in the file system for queued commands.

Give the queue mechanism a "trigger" -- if dpkg is called with arguments
which would update the system, the dpkg wrapper sets a lock, clears the
trigger then runs dpkg. If the trigger is set after running dpkg,
the wrapper goes into a loop and consumes the queue.

Because of space constraints on some systems, it would also be good
to have a mechanism indicating what the queued command is supposed to
accomplish (if package is already installed and package file is not
available, it's ok to skip this step).  This is a frill, in my opinion
and should be ignored if it makes things harder.

The net result: you can install a "meta-package" which will
install some other set of packages in an appropriate order.
(note that this meta package should require that all of the
packages it would install be installed properly before it allows
postconfig to be marked as successfull, and it should 
queue a dpkg command to configure itself after everything else.

If pkg-order is advanced enough, then there is no need to add to
the command line arguments, and it could do similar logic 
from a dpkg wrapper.  [perhaps requiring an extra install run
to "prime the system".]


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