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Intent to package fortify -- copyright?

	Fortify patches 40-bit (exportable) Netscape to use
	128-bit cipher.

	What about the copyright? Christian Hudon proposed
	non-us/non-free for this - is it ok?

 # $Id: fortify.c,v 1.11 1997/12/07 05:54:14 fbm Exp fbm $
 # Copyright (C) 1997 Farrell McKay
 # All rights reserved.
 # This file is part of the Fortify distribution, a toolkit for
 # upgrading the cryptographic strength of the Netscape Navigator
 # web browser, authored by Farrell McKay.
 # This toolkit is provided to the recipient under the
 # following terms and conditions:-
 #   1.  This copyright notice must not be removed or modified.
 #   2.  This toolkit may not be reproduced or included in any commercial
 #       media distribution, or commercial publication (for example CD-ROM,
 #       disk, book, magazine, journal) without first obtaining the author's
 #       express permission.
 #   3.  This toolkit, or any component of this toolkit, may not be
 #       commercially resold, redeveloped, rewritten, enhanced or otherwise
 #       used as the basis for commercial venture, without first obtaining
 #       the author's express permission.
 #   4.  Subject to the above conditions being observed (1-3), this toolkit
 #       may be freely reproduced or redistributed.
 #   5.  This software is provided "as-is", without express or implied
 #       warranty.  In no event shall the author be liable for any direct,
 #       indirect or consequential damages however caused.
 #   6.  Subject to the above conditions being observed (1-5),
 #       this toolkit may be used at no cost to the recipient.
 # Farrell McKay			contact@fortify.net

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