Re: Plan on packaging new version of amanda
In article <[🔎]> you wrote:
: There currently is an debian package for the version of amanda
: maintained by Christian meder <>. There
: hasn't been a new release of this package in over a year and there are
: several active bug reports. I've been unable to reach Christian by
: email.
As I indicated in debian-devel recently, I *have* been in touch with Christian,
and have done some work on amanda. I have a version that fixes many of
the open bugs, but with the 2.4.0 bits nearing release, I've decided not to
upload that, and have instead been working on building the b6 bits today.
: Instead of doing a non-maintainer release, I was considering releasing
: a new package to conflict with the existing package. This seems
: reasonable to me since the latest upstream version, 2.4.0b5, uses a
: new protocol which is incompatible with pre 2.4 versions.
Hmmm. I don't think this is necessary. I'll go read some more before I make
a stronger statement than that, though.
If this is really the right thing to do, then I should probably go ahead and
upload my fixed version of
: Does this seem reasonable to the developer folks?
Let's talk about this offline. If you want to work on Amanda, I'm sure we can
come up with some reasonable arrangement. Christian is busy, and I am too...
If you're not too far away from the Mountain time zone, perhaps a phone call
would get us in sync faster?
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