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Re: Trying to figure out at, atrun, atd, and friends.

Rob Browning wrote:
> Dale Scheetz <dwarf@polaris.net> writes:
> > More to the point, there is not indication of how to write a "job" entry,
> > nor is there any clear indication of how at interfaces with cron, although
> > there is every indication that the two are intimately connected.
> They used to be.  As I recall, in the past, at tasks were handled by a
> regularly scheduled (every minute?) cron task.  That's no longer the
> case.  There's now an at daemon, atd, that handles at tasks.

Oops, you are correct. Dale, never mind that part of my email.. :)


 (work) sailer@bnl.gov / (home) tps@buoy.com - http://www.buoy.com/~tps
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