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Re: ICQJava Licence

On Mon, Jan 19, 1998 at 11:04:25AM -0800, David Welton wrote:
> On Mon, Jan 19, 1998 at 07:53:23PM +0100, Turbo Fredriksson wrote:
> > How about this licence, non-free or what?
> I don't think we can distribute it.
No, we can't but back when I was thinking about packaging this, I was going to do it in a similar way to the netscape installer,
where the user has to get the archive from mirabilis.

However, ICQ presents problems even doing it this way, because of its apparent need to run from 
under the user's home directory.
This means every user has to have a copy of icq under their home directory, and the wrapper to do this
has to be clever enough to know when the system copy has been updated,
and update each user's copy, and make any necessary changed and...
It all seemed like entirely too much trouble.
Even assuming there is a way to make it look for config files in a system-wide location,
there is still no easy way to handle updates that require changes to the config format
(sometimes by moving files around, running icq, then moving them back)
Somehow the users have to be told to do this, after each update, or they'll be constantly losing their contact lists
as mirabilis make changes to the config file format.
As you can see, its not an easy piece of software to package. :)
Good luck to its new maintainer.

Aaron Howell.	Q.U.T Equity Department, Technical Support/Training.
work: a.howell@qut.edu.au	Linux/Networking Support.
home: a.howell@student.qut.edu.au	phone +61-412-956-467
www: http://www.aus-net.com/~aaron	irc: DaRkAnGeL
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