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Re: kernel headers---FAQ

Jason Gunthorpe <jgg@gpu.srv.ualberta.ca> writes:
>On 18 Jan 1998, Rob Browning wrote:
>> ...Something like:
>>   Error: Unable to create /usr/src/linux symlink.  This probably means
>>   that you have installed your own source into /usr/src.  On a Debian
>>   system /usr/src is owned by Debian (in compliance with the FSSTND).
>>   See <some-faqdoc> for a detailed explanation.  Please rememdy the
>>   situation, and then reinstall this package.
>Even better:
>'Should I move /usr/src/linux to /usr/local/src/linux [Y/n]'

I think the user needs a little more explanation at this point.  Also,
the kernel source tree is big enough that space may be a concern.  How
about this:

   Error: Unable to create /usr/src/linux symlink.  This probably
   means that you have installed your own source into /usr/src.  On a
   Debian system /usr/src is owned by Debian (in compliance with the
   FSSTND).  Debian recommends that kernel sources be installed in
   /usr/local/src unless they are installed by a kernel-source
   package.  See <some-faqdoc> for a detailed explanation.

     whether /usr/src/linux and /usr/local/src are same filesystem...no
     size of /usr/src/linux...51 MB
     whether /usr/local/src has enough space...yes (134 MB)

   Should I move /usr/src/linux to /usr/local/src/linux? [Y/n] n
   Should I rename /usr/src/linux to /usr/src/linux-MOVE-ME? [Y/n] n
   Please remedy the situation, and then reinstall the
   kernel-headers-2.0.32 package.
   ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Remind him which package this is.
Naturally, the size checks are skipped if the two directories are in
the same filesystem, and the option to move /usr/src/linux to
/usr/local/src/linux is skipped if there is not enough space.

                             - Jim Van Zandt

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