I wonder if anyone is interested in packaging this.
-----Forwarded message from Oren Tirosh <oren@hishome.net>-----
I got your address from Amit Margalit. He said you might be able to help.
I have recently tried to install the XNTP package to synchronize the clock
on our linux server. XNTP is a huge program, designed mostly to be a time
server, not a client and is very difficult to configure. I eventually gave
up and tried to find a client for the simplified SNTP protocol. While there
are many of those for Windows platforms it was hard to find one for Unix. I
eventually found one called msntp, written by Nick Maclaren
<nnm1@cam.ac.uk>. It is a nice small program that seems to do the work very
well. You can get at at
I think it would be nice to have it packaged as a Debian/Redhat package.
The package lists is the first place most linux users will look. Currently
they will find only the monstrosity known as XNTP.
I don't know anything about creating packages for linux. Amit said you
might be able to help.
Oren Tirosh
-----End of forwarded message-----
see shy jo
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