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Re: update-menus and similar programs

Hi, once upon a time you posted this message:

> update-menus forks to the background and waits for dpkg to finish before
> continuing to work. This is a useful function that could be useful for other
> programs (for instance scripts that build automated indexes of other kinds).

I was awfully busy (Finishing my PhD thesis, and the graduation
that followed). So now I'm slowly catching up. Today I started to read
this 8M big debian-devel mail folder from end-of-nov through begin-of-jan.
So, I found your email.

> Is there a cunning way to achieve this at present? If not, is there any
> reason why I *shouldn't* file a wishlist item against dpkg (apart from the
> fact that it will be lost amongst the other few hundred bug reports!)

Well, I've already mailed IanJ with a request of this kind.
I would very much like to be able to tell dpkg "please run this
script after the installation of all packages finished". I cannot
remember getting a responce from IanJ (thought I'm not sure any more,
it's a *long* time ago). So if you want my opinion: Please file a
(very polite, etc, etc) wishlist item to dpkg.

The way I'm doing it now with menu isn't ideal at all, and results
in error messages of the menu-method scripts scrolling through the
dselect screen, etc, etc.


joost witteveen, joostje@debian.org

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