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noweb requires pascal compiler? (formerly policy weekly)

Hi (Christian),

	I found that in the latest policy-weekly:

Some packages like noweb need to depend/suggest a pascal-compiler and we
have at least two pascal compilers now: gpc, and p2c. With that, I think it
would be good to have this virtual package. (Note, that we already have
virtual packages for `c-compiler' and `fortran77-compiler'.)

I am the maintainer of noweb: can you explain me why noweb suggest a
pascal-compiler? The fact is that noweb oughta suggest *every* compiler
for *every* language (it's pretty generic and works with any

Can we have a meta-virtual-package "compiler" that is the virtual
package for the virtual packages c-compiler fortran77-compiler and so
on? (Oh, I was obviously joking... ;)


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* Federico Di Gregorio  |  /      *-=$< ;-) TeX Wizard?            *
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