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gnuchess & gnuchess-book


 just recently I installed gnuchess-book and gnuchess.
 I used something like 'dpkg -i gnuchess-book_* gnuchess_*'.

 When the packages were configured I got the message: 'note the
 disappearence of gnuchess-book, which has been completely
 replaced'. In fact, there's no sign of gnuchess-book anymore.
 All maintainer scripts and data files from /var/lib/dpkg/info are
 gone. Only the chess opening library file of the package (>1MB) is
 left, but doesn't belong to any package (and therefore it's not
 removed by purging a certain package).
 When I use 'dpkg -i gnuchess_* gnuchess-book_*' (ie. in an alternate
 sequence) this doesn't happen.

 I found, that this is caused by a divertion in gnuchess-book.

 1) Should there really be a diversion here?
 2) Why are there two packages at all? Yes, you can install gnuchess
    without the large library, but then the two packages should
    remain two packages.
 3) If I remember correctly, gnuchess-book doesn't contain any docs
    (or copyrights). Should this be reported as a bug? I guess, this is
    related to the above problem, but is it covered by the policy?
 4) A more general question: How are diversions introduced: must there
    be an aggreement of the involved package maintainers or an
    agreement of "all" developers?



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