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Re: potential mayhem with trial libc6 package and kernel-headers

>>"Karl" == Karl M Hegbloom <karlheg@bittersweet.inetarena.com> writes:

>>>>> "Bart" == Bart Schuller <schuller@lunatech.com> writes:
Bart> Particularly if they happened to have a fully unpacked and
Bart> configured kernel source tree in /usr/src/linux .

Bart> * Poof *

	No it does not! Would you please look at what the postinst
 does before spreading FUD?

Karl> Perhaps the `kernel-headers' install script ought to look for an
Karl> existing /usr/src/linux directory, do an lstat, and if it's
Karl> really a directory, not a symlink, rename it to linux-version.
Karl> It can get the version from the version file in the kernel
Karl> source can't it?

	Instead, it aborts. Maybe I should just move the directory out
 of the way, but a directory existing where noen should exist means
 that my invariants are shot. When ones invariants are shot, the best
 thing to do is change as little as possible, and let the humans take
 care of the cruft. (Why don't people look at the behaviour before
 asking for a change in the operation?)

if (-e 'linux' && ! -l 'linux') {
  my $answer;
  print STDERR <<"EOF";
 Error configuring $package: /usr/src/linux does not seem to be a 
       symbolic link, possibly from an old package or a left-over from a 
       user installed kernel. Please remove /usr/src/linux and try to
       reconfigure $package.  

 Please Hit return to continue.
  $answer = <STDIN>;
  exit 1;

if (-e "linux-$version" && ! -l "linux-$version" ) {
  my $answer;
  print STDERR <<"EOF";
 Error configuring $package: /usr/src/linux-$version does not seem to
       be a symbolic link, possibly from an old package or a left-over
       from a user installed kernel. Please remove
       /usr/src/linux-$version and try to reconfigure $package.

 Please Hit return to continue.
  $answer = <STDIN>;
  exit 1;

Karl> I've installed kernel headers because I had to so libc would
Karl> install. I'd rather use the headers in the actual kernel source
Karl> though.

	Please read my often posted FAQ as to why this is a really bad

 tired of repeating the same thing over and over again.
 "Make no little plans. They have no Magic to stir Men's blood."
Manoj Srivastava  <srivasta@acm.org> <http://www.datasync.com/%7Esrivasta/>
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