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Re: Service registration

>>"Guy" == Guy Maor <maor@1Cust8.max37.los-angeles.ca.ms.uu.net> writes:

Guy> For elisp files, it might work like this.

Guy> $ register-service --help register-service --install service
Guy> package [param=value ...] register-service --remove service
Guy> package

Guy> In the dpkg postinst: register-service --install elisp dpkg
Guy> file=/usr/lib/dpkg/dpkg-dev.el In the dpkg prerm:
Guy> register-service --remove elisp dpkg

Guy> $ provide-service --help provide-service --install-hook service
Guy> package hookfile provide-service --remove-hook service package
Guy> provide-service --list-clients service ...

Guy> In the emacs postinst: provide-service --install-hook elisp emacs
Guy> /usr/lib/emacs/install-hook

Guy> /usr/lib/emacs/install-hook can then simply build up a list in
Guy> /etc/emacs.el of all the files that need to run.  Easy enough
Guy> with perl.
	This will not work for packages like Gnus, bbdb, w3,
 hyperbole, vm, and psgml, since the compilation requires selectively
 preloading some files, or even running complex build-scripts during
 the compilation of the elisp files.

	Let us not solidify policy that is unworkable for a majority
 of the independent elisp packages.

Guy> Comments?


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