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Re: ppp's ip-{up,down} and possible utilization of 'run-parts'

>>>>> "Adam" == Adam P Harris <apharris@onshore.com> writes:

    Adam> Maybe I should submit this as a wishlist to the bug system,
    Adam> but I was interested in getting some comments first.

 Red Hat 5.0 has a complex network configuration setup... I didn't
 have time to look it over in detail, but think that someone who is
 capable of understanding it and perhaps `stealing' some ideas from it
 for Debian should do so.  They have a `netcfg' program that's written
 in python.  It will help you edit the chat scripts and everything.
 It took me very little effort to get a ppp link established using it.

 The Debian ppp setup is simpler; editting the easy to find (?) chat
 script was no more difficult, to me, than locating and running the
 RH `netcfg' was.

 I think the main thing is that a person with very little experience
 should be led through the initial setup by a script, at the very
 least.  It would be good to tell them about `minicom', with some
 instructions on how to use it to get the info they need to construct
 a working chat script.

 Has anyone created a document for this?  And a page for the boot disk
 telling of it, with simple instructions on how to begin reading.

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