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Re: RAS on an NT box.

> I need to connect a Linux box to an NT server over a dial-up line. The NT
> box uses a "Remote Access Server". I remember seeing a discussion of this
> recently, but can't find the reference in my mail archives. Can anyone
> clue me in as to what package/howto I need to look at to deal with this?

You need to enable ms_chap in PPP --- see README.MSCHAP80

I am intending to make ppp generate a separate package (ppp-lite ?) so that I 
can make the main package depend on libpam and libdes (needed for ms_chap) 
without needing to put all that on the boot disks.

In the mean time, you'll need to grab the source and recompile it.

BTW if ppp-lite gets installed on the boot disks, what do I need to do to make 
ppp get installed over the top of it --- is it just

  Replaces: ppp-lite

in the ppp package ?

Cheers, Phil.

P.S.  I've never tried the NT RAS thing, so I'd like to hear how you get on.

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