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Re: pentium specific packages

Adrian Bridgett wrote:
> Ah, on re-reading my first sentence, I think I should have added "in theory"
> :-) I agree with your point that having hundreds of symlinks from
> binary-i586 to binary-i386 allows us to use the current tools with very
> little changes.

FYI, we may have the same problem with the Alpha series since egcs
appears to target itself to the processor installed (there are several
models of the Alpha processor).  I've noticed three so far, but none of
us are sure what the difference in the target binaries will be or how it
will affect performance.  As slight background, there are instructions
present in the newest Alpha chips that weren't in earlier models.  The
UDB (the most common Alpha-based machine so far) has the oldest
processors in the "family" and, therefore, completely lack some of the
instructions that it's descendants have.  If egcs is, in fact,
recognising the processor model and targetting it, then this kinda thing
could cause a HUGE problem both in performance and instruction sets when
the binaries are put into an "alpha" Debian package and distributed.

So, whatever's decided regarding this, I guess we should be prepared to
do the same for at least one of the "non-Intel" arch's too.


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