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regarding the recent problems with http://www.debian.org

As many of you know, there have been some problems with http://www.debian.org
Bruce has given permission for www.debian.org to be moved to va.debian.org
and I have already moved the main part of the pages. There are a few minor
corrections to be made and mirroring of the bug lists and list archives
need to be set up (hopefully they will both be moved onto this site).

This will give us a number of improvements. All mirrors will be able to
mirror directly from this site which will minimize the number of points
of failure. Also, the US will have a secondary site at the existing
www.debian.org (aka debian.crosslink.net) under www.us.debian.org .

Due to time constraints, my husband, Jay Treacy <treacy@debian.org>, will be doing
a lot of the work on the web pages so don't be surprised if mail to me
gets answered by either one of us.

I am looking forward to this new setup. We have answered at least 40 complaints
to webmaster about the problems with http://www.debian.org in the last few days.
At least this shows that Debian is becoming popular!

- Sue

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