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Re: libc5/libc6 on same install

It's no problem. I have both libc6 and libc5. But you have to install
libc5-altdev instead of libc5-dev together with libc6-dev. Also you need
altgcc to compile libc5 binaries.

Dr. Michael Meskes, Projekt-Manager    | topystem Systemhaus GmbH
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>Von: 	G. Dale Miller[SMTP:dale@infonet.ca]
>Gesendet: 	Samstag, 5. Juli 1997 13:09
>An: 	debian-devel@lists.debian.org
>Cc: 	Die Adresse des Empfängers ist unbekannt.
>Betreff: 	libc5/libc6 on same install
>I was wondering if it is possible to have both the libc5 packages and
>libc6 packages installedon the same installation of Debian. Is there
>any problems associated with doing this?? If so
>how difficult is it to set up two seperate installations. ie stable and
>unstable on the same machine or disk.
>Dale Miller
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