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Re: Documentation server

On Fri, 4 Jul 1997, [iso-8859-1] Nicolás Lichtmaier wrote:

>  This is an example of a WWW server dedicated to serve documentation
> files...
>  It's fast. I don't know if it is safe, but since it's only 3kb of source
> code is shouldn't be so hard to make it safe.
>  I think that using a server gives us much more flexibility...

I would tend to agree. It certainly allows a greater ease of

Looking at the quick server you cooked up, I think it would be quite easy
to make that secure, like you say, it's only a handfull of lines. The only
big issue would be some kind of denial of service attack, and I think the
simplest solution to that is to make the server non-inetd spawned and
single instance/single session. To calm the paranoid you'd make it bind to as well. (That would make it -totaly- invisible from outside the
machine, the kernel would not even acknowledge it's existance)

As for size, a single instance/single session server that is 3k in source
will use a highly predictable amount of memory and processor time.

Oh, by single instance/single session I mean there will be at most 1 copy
of this web server in operation serving a single request (all other
requests block) -- preventing someone from disabling a machine low on
resources by simply sending 20 requests. 


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