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Re: GOAL: Consistent Keyboard Configuration

In article <[🔎] 87pvugl81y.fsf@tiamat.datasync.com>,
	Manoj Srivastava <srivasta@datasync.com> writes:

> 	See, I think this is buggy. I have been using Emacs for nearly
>  a decade now, and nobody takes my C-H default away from me (in other
>  words, people have had exposure to applications like emacs on other
>  Unix platforms (and other distributions of Linux), and they should
>  not have to change their expectations of finding help on C-H just
>  because they run Debian)

But newbies don't expect backspace to give help. (and, except in X,
backspace and C-h are rather difficult to separate).

In X everyone is happy, of course, with C-h doing help and backspace
doing backspace.

It's a lot easier for experienced users to put C-h back to help than
it is for newbies to make it do backspace.

(Of course the real solution is to get a time machine and go back and kill
whoever decided that using C-h for a delete key was a smart idea. Anyone got

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