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rm -r * and the default prompt

I know a couple of newbies who accomplished the task. On one occasion I
had just helped a person for days installing and customizing his ISP
system. Finally we got it to work. A very sad person called me the next
day and told me that everything was gone wanting to know how to restore
things. (He still owes me money ....)

His command was (from / directory):

rm -r *

He did not realize in what directory he was. (The default prompt of
Debian systems should contain the current directory! Right now you just
see a '#' !)

On 11 May 1997, Rob Browning wrote:

>Christoph Lameter <clameter@power.net> writes:
>> Another example: Any user can do
>> rm -rf /
>I'd rather not get in the middle of this, but I would like to point
>out that you have to know to specify both -r and -f to make this
>happen.  Without those options, you can't delete the whole filesystem,
>and you'd probably need to read the manpage to know about them.
>That's a good design.

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