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Re: Failing postinst script with suidmanager

Christoph Lameter <clameter@power.net> writes:

> The set -e just sets up the script to abort in case of an error. One of
> the statements in that script must cause the error and the abort. Maybe
> others have more ideas how to approach this....

To find out which command is causing the error, try one of the

 1) Change the `set -e' to `set -e -x'.

 2) Use /usr/bin/zsh instead (in the #! line) and add the following
    lines before the set -e:

        emulate -R sh
        setopt printexitvalue

    bash doesn't seem to be able to do this.

  3) Type `echo $?' after pasting each command into the xterm, or run
     zsh in the xterm and use the commands above.

                Carey Evans  <*>  c.evans@clear.net.nz

"Encryption renamed to Encode to avoid US regulation problems"
                     - include/linux/wireless.h in Linux 2.0.30 kernel

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