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A note on dpkg release engineering

I'd like to thank all of the people who have been downloading and
testing the versions of dpkg I have been uploading to 'experimental'.
I appreciate your time and effort in helping me debug and test the new

However, given that this number of people is much greater than I had
expected, I should re-iterate a warning: the versions of dpkg I put in
'experimental' should be considered of alpha-quality only, and are
frequently uploaded with little or no testing on my part.  I use
'experimental' as a snapshot directory, primarily for the benefit of
people who are coordinating with me on dpkg development.

I welcome people to run the versions of dpkg from 'experimental', and
welcome any feedback they can give me --- I just want to make sure
everyone knows that little or no release engineering is being done on
those versions.

Once 'bo' is released, I will be making somewhat more stable releases
of dpkg on a moderately frequent basis to 'hamm' for more widespread

 - Klee

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