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Re: debian programmers manual not OK?

"Joop Stakenborg" <stakenborg@hyph.azr.nl> writes:
> programmer.ps.gz won't print....
> [...]
> Can someone fix this please?

I'd be happy to, but I'm having difficulty understanding the problem
you're having.  Can you be a bit more explicit about the sort of
trouble you are having printing programmer.ps?  The only PostScript
interpreter I have available to me at the moment is GhostScript, and
that appears to render the file with no trouble.

So far as I can tell, programmer.html.tar.gz also contains a valid
HTML file (although it is in the wrong directory; I'll fix that in the
next release).  Can you give me a bit more information about what sort
of trouble you're having viewing the file?

Note that the manual you are most likely looking for is not the
'programmers manual' (which contains preliminary documentation on dpkg
internals), but rather the 'packaging manual' (which used to be called
the 'programmers manual').  The dpkg documentation has been renamed to
'dpkg internals' to avoid this confusion in the release,
which should appear soon.

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